Sunday Summary is now coming too an end. But I thought I would use this last one just to have a little chat. I’m in one of those moods where I just want to type and type and type. Until I haven’t got any more words. All I keep thinking about at the moment is how close to Christmas it is. Working in retail has really got me in the Christmas spirit that little bit earlier. I have Michael Buble’s Christmas album on for the whole apartment block to hear and I am ready to get this blog post out.
Ive been trying to do this whole Sunday Summary since the start of the year, some weeks I get it up fine but others I feel as though I am just repeating what I said last week and the week before that and the week before that. Instead I thought you could just all get following me over on Instagram and Twitter. That way you know what I have been doing through out the week without reading a pretty boring post. Instead of the Sunday Summary I want to start more tutorials on CharlotteSamantha. Its something I have always wanted to do but never felt confident enough to actually post photos of close ups of my face. That ain’t pretty girl. But for myself and others to look back on I am taking the plunge and will start posting tutorials soon.
Over Christmas I will be posting a lot more, like last year I would love to be able to post everyday of December but know that will put a lot of pressure on myself, especially when working in retail. However, I am going to try and go for it, it may not be everyday. But most days of December expect to see a post. Beauty, fashion or lifestyle related. It will be a lucky surprise.
Can we all just take a minute to look back on this post and read how many times I have said Christmas, I think that really shows you how excited I am. Last thing I wanted to mention was my gift guide posts that will be going up week beginning 16th of November. I know it might seem quiet early but people are buying presents earlier and earlier this year. Some people are even already wrapped, now that is serious commitment! I look forward to wrapping up so tend to wait until the tree is up, I can pop a Christmas movie on while im doing it.
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