Following on from my recent Gift Guide for Girls I thought it was about time I talked you through some stocking fillers. I LOVE stockings at christmas. I think they are probably one of my favorite things to open and to give, I love the surprise element in them as they are normally always things that I’ve never really asked for and I love little bit and bobs. I didnt wanna show too many of the stocking fillers ive bought because I dont want anyone to be reading this and know what Im giving them so there is only one photo but I’ll talk you through some ideas.
First off youve always got to have some sort of sweeties in your stocking. I always get and give people a chocolate orange! Because who doesnt like a chocolate orange! They are on of my favorite christmas sweets. Other favorites of mine are bits of candy sweets as I think these are the kind of things that people dont buy themselves when they go out in the hunt for some sugar.
For girls I like to buy beauty supplies such as cotton wool, make-up remover, nail polish remover etc. I think this makes a cute present as it is sort of like a little beauty hamper all held in a stocking. Along with all of these essentials I also like to pack in some nail varnishes, a mascara and other things that are a little more expensive as it makes it that bit more special. I also like to add things such as candles as I think they are perfect for a lovely girly night in when you could use your other bits and bobs.
Boys I find a little harder to buy for but of course youve got your things like car air freshers, build your own helicopters and other small gadgets that all boys are interested in. But I also like to pop things in such as deodrants, body washes and other things that boy dont tend to buy for themselves. If I have someone to buy a stocking for who has a particular interest for instance my dad loves fly fishing so I always buy him some flys to pop in his stocking as I know he will love these when he opens them! And of course this makes the stocking a little more personal.
What kind of thing do you like to put/get in stockings?
10 years agoMmmm it’s not Christmas without a chocolate orange! 🙂
10 years agoStockings are one of my favourite things about Christmas too although they’re never things I give. My ‘Santa stocking’ always has some sweets then an actual orange and then bits and pieces like you say; nail varnish, hair boobles, cotton pads etc.
Heather x