As the Summer is looming nearer, I thought I would write my second blog post in my Summer Series about getting your body ready. As well as getting your body into shape you need to get your skin ready for the sun and if not for the sun use some of these products to pretend that you have seen some sun this summer! These products are all basics that I think should be used on a daily basis to get yourself ready.
The first thing I like to do when I get in the bath and know that summer is round the corner is shave. Although I do this on a regular basis anyway it is most important in the summer when you may just have your legs out. Once I have done this I like to exfoliate my whole body and face. At the moment I am using the Soap and Glory Scrub of your Life, which retails at £7. I got this in a kit at Christmas, I have used there scrubs before and find them good but think sometimes they could be a bit harsh for my skin if I used them on a daily basis. However, when I got this one I was super excited to try it. It didn’t look as harsh as others I had tried and it smelt AMAZING. I think this scrub is amazing for the price and will definitely be re-purchasing. For my face I have been using the Sanctuary Radiance Exfoliator which is around £10, I find this really fresh for my face and really works at the dead skin that needs to be removed.
Once I am out the bath and fully dried, its time to moisturise. If I have had a bath on a morning I like to use the Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser Essential Moisture, which costs £4.99 but if you shop around im sure youll be able to find it for cheaper. I use this on a morning as it is easy to apply, thin and allows me to apply my clothes immediately as it works it way into the skin. If I have had my bath on a night I like to apply the Sanctuary Mande Lular Sensuous Body Soufflé, I like to use this as its nice and thick and even when I wake up in the morning I feel like I have just moisturised. This can feel a little bit sticky and takes a little longer to dry but I don’t mind it gives me time to dance and sing round my room, just kidding. (but not really I do). I also like to apply Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Concentrated Cream on places that seem to be really dry, such as my feet, knees and elbows.
And if like me your in England and there isn’t much sun to give you a lovely tan use some fake tan. I have two options here the first is Dove Summer Glow Medium to Dark Skin which is a gradual tanner, which if im honest doesn’t smell great but it certainly does the job. If your like me and cant always be bothered to apply this everyday then go for something like the Rimmel Sunshimmer Instant Tan Water Resistant Medium Matte which is an instant tan which you can just apply before you head out the door.
SO that’s my favourite steps to do to get my skin ready for the summer months, whats your favourite steps? and whats products do you use?
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