I cant quite belive it. One year on and im still going. CharlotteSamantha has gone from Blogger,to owning its own domain and moving over too wordpress. Ive had my up and downs with this blog, family commitments has meant I had to neglect it for a couple of months and other times I just wasnt feelin it. But now im back properly. Blogging everyday and loving what I do.
Id just like to say a little THANKYOU to everyone who follows me, everyone who believes in me and those of you who read this. I hit my own little goals everyday, and thats because of you who read it. So thankyouthankyouthankyou. Im excited for 2015 will bring to CharlotteSamantha.
Also, a little side note. If there are any particular blog post you enjoy reading and would like to see more off let me know. Or if there are any you would like me to do that I havent yet done, comment below and ill be sureto think of how I could do it.
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