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New Year, New You

Image from Pinterest

Image from Pinterest

Im the kind of girl who makes new year resolutions and they last around two weeks until they are completely broken. I am determined that this year I will stick the things that I make, I’m not the typical person who says I will lose weight, I will be more organised etcetc because I think if your not the kind of person who is organised you can’t make yourself be organised with the flick of a switch. Instead I try to think of things that may have an impact on my life for the better and things that I can actually (try) to stick too. I am a firm believe that you should be postive about your life, because if your not there is no chance postive things are going to happen. If your mind is thinking negative, chances are whatever it is you do is going to be negative. So pop on your postive mind set as we enter into 2015. That scares me a little! We have only just got into 2014 right?! I more think of these things like things I want to achieve in the new year. Ill be a happy bunny if in a years time when im writing this out for 2016 I can look back and think, yes I have achieved most of that.


This is something that is really top of my list for things I want to achieve this year. Ive had my blog for nearly a year now and its something that I have done on and off. Not because I dont love it, but because of things that have got in the way but this year ill be making a conscince effort to keep on top of my blog and blog at least three times a week. I use my blog as my little space on the internet to escape from life. I want to focus on beauty and lifestyle but there will definitly be a hint of fashion thrown in there.


I’ve never been into fitness and eating healthy. I dont want to become some kind of health freak but I do want to do more excerise even if it is just a few times a week, to keep on top of my body. I also find that when I do eat a little bit healthier and excersice that little bit more I tend to feel a lot better in myself. I dont want to sleep as much and my mind feels a lot clearer.


Im an organised person and tend to plan my life a week or two in advance. However, I dont tend to write down things from the day. How I’ve felt, what I’ve done or just something that I feel I would like to remember. Im not a huge diary fan and dont like to write a huge paragraph about what happened in the day but I’d just like to write a few words or sentences down about the day. Just to look back on when the year has passed, this way I can remember a lot more.


With a new camera comes the opportunity to take a lot more photos. This year Im going to make a consious effort to take a lot more photos. I love taking photos and looking back over them once the year is out. Another way to create amazing memories.

What are your new year resolutions? Let me know in the comments





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