We are getting closer and closer to the the end of the year, and the goals I set at the start of 2017 are looking more and more distant. TBH I’m nowhere near the goals I wanted to hit by the end of the year. This past month I have been focusing a lot more on the behind the scene’s of my blog and trying to build up the numbers.
I am well aware that its not all about the number, but if we where all brutally honest when it gets to the end of the month and we are looking back on the numbers, and it hasn’t quiet gone to plan, you feel pretty shitty. I am so determined this month to get the numbers I want and make an improvement on the shitty numbers I’m currently looking at.
1. Schedule more tweets, I suck at twitter to be honest. Most other bloggers I have spoken to have said that they get most of their traffic from Twitter, Ive told myself this month I want to take half an hour every few days to schedule some tweets with blog posts. Including some older posts that I’m super proud of but just didn’t get the hits that I really wanted it to.
2.Bulk take Instagram photos. Another thing I totally suck at, I like to try and keep my Instagram ‘real’ and take photos of the things that are happening now but that’s just not something I can do. I work full time and there’s nothing your going to want to see from my working day. My plan is to take a whole load of photos on a weekend which can then see me over a few weeks. That way hopefully my engagement wont drop when I’ve not posted in five days.
3. Be more social, I literally mean that. I’m hoping to be a lot more chatty with other bloggers, comment more on blog and instagram photos. And actually hold a conversation with at least one person on Twitter. If you really want to help me hit my goals this month, be that one person. Just send me a tweet saying hi, you never know we could be long lost bffs.
I’m really looking forward to this month, lets hope this time next month I’m telling you how much I’ve smashed it and had the best month of numbers so far for my little blog
The Beauty and The Business
7 years agoI think these are great goals! I’ve been meaning to do more scheduling and promoting past posts too!
A Beauty and The Business
charlotte samantha
7 years agoso far it seems to be going well, so fingers crossed for the rest of the month ox
Kaitlyn Danielle
7 years agoGirl, I feel you. It’s so much easier said than done when you say you’re going to keep up with all of those things. It’s a job in itself! P.S- Love your fall header^