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Valentines // Lush

IMG_4020 IMG_4027There is something about the Lush valentines collection that just always makes me jump around with excitement. Even though I have a basket filled up with Christmas goodies that I just couldn’t do without, purely because they where on sale and well why not? I still had to pop in on my way to work and pick up some of the valentines collection. There is just something that gets my adrenaline going about picking something up that is limited edition. Even though they have piles and piles of the stuff and im sure even more out the back. Just let a girl get excited over the smallest of things.

The first one I was drawn too was the Lover Lamp bath bomb, there was something about how simple but yet gorgeous it looked. To find this one look out for a white round bath bomb, with small red hearts peeking through. With organic cocoa butter hidden inside your skin is left feeling amazing, the scent of this it a sweet orange chocolately smell. But don’t be put off its not too strong just the right scent to have an amazing relaxing bath. The next one I went too was one that was out last year and such a hit, Unicorn Horn bubble bar. I love me a bubble bar, sometimes if I am feeling really, very daring I will crumble some bubble bar under and then add a bath bomb, I know I live on the crazy side of life. The main scent you get off this is lavender which for me is a scent that has me completely relaxed! With the bubble bars you can use them again and again which always a benefit!

The next two products I picked up aren’t actually in the valentines collection but can definitely be put in with a set for valentine’s day. The first is the ever do famous Rose Jam bubble bar, if you havent smelt this yet get down to your nearest and give it a good smell. Another relaxing way to spend your bath time. The other is another bubble bar in French Kiss, I thought the name was very fitting to valentines day so had to get it. This is again a lavender scented bubble bar, which is one of my favorites to be able to relax in the bath.


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