If you have been reading CharlotteSamantha for a couple of years then you will know that I am on and off healthy eating / exercising like there is nothing new. I know nobody is ever happy with there whole body but it got to a point where I didn’t want to wear anything that showed my legs, I’d put a longer coat on to cover them and felt super cautious about the way I looked. I started to look at photos from a couple of years ago and wishing that I could go back to looking like that. Nothing I did helped. I went to the gym at the start of the year and started to really enjoy it but then I got it in my head that because I was going to the gym I could actually eat more! I was soso wrong and I’m now paying for it. I weighed my heaviest just a couple of weeks ago and made a start at Slimming World. I knew a few people who had done slimming world and had really good results so I knew it was time for me to get my game face on.
I was so nervous heading through the door of my first class, worried that people would think I looked fat, think I was too young to be at slimming world. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The class I went to was full of super supportive people who really made me feel welcome at my first class. When you first start slimming world your coach runs through the basic principles of Slimming World, which I’ll be explaining to you in next weeks post. I was then brought back through to the main room where we all sat in a semi-circle with our coach in the centre to talk to us all. Normally when you go to a class you pay for your class (£4.99) and get weighed at the beginning but as it was our first class she let us wait until everyone else had gone, right at the end of the class. I think she could tell I was feeling slightly nervous about the whole thing. Once everyone has been weighed your coach will talk to you about what has been going on that week, sharing people’s achievements, maybe even talk to people who have gained and why they think that it’s happened. This gives everyone a chance to support each other, give tips and tricks as to what they do to keep on track. For me the best thing that comes from this is learning from other people’s mistakes and it really motivates you to do the best you can do that next week. In our class the coach then asks if anyone would like to set a goal for the following week, this allows people to share what they want to do and then you can go back onto the goal the following week to see if you have achieved it. The other thing I like about going to the classes rather than just doing it online is that you get to buy Hi Fi bars. Which for anyone who is totally new to slimming world like I was is basically like a breakfast bar but low in syns (which is what you count, don’t worry all will be explained).
I’m now on my second week of plan, third weigh in coming up tomorrow and so far I am loving. The flexibility of the plan makes it super easy to have treat days, or ever go out for a meal without coming off plan. So far I have lost 3.5 pounds which I was so happy with for my first week. Lets just hope for another loose tomorrow. Next week I’ll explain how Slimming World works and of course update you on how I’m finding it. If you have any questions about the plan, drop me a message or even leave a comment below!
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