Its late I’m sorry! I’ve had such a hectic few weeks that I haven’t had time to plan my blogs which I am very sorry about but I am not back in full swing! This weeks Summer series is all about my carry on bag, this will be similar to last weeks beach bag as I have a few items that I don’t yet have such as sweets etc but I will still explain what I always take.
The first thing I always make sure I have when I’m leaving for the airport is all my documents and passport, I have a Cath Kidston passport cover on mine which of course you have to remove when you get there but I think it looks pretty anyway. Girls will be girls!
My I-pod is a must when I am flying as I like to block out all the horrible noises that the aeroplane makes, im not a good person to fly with! Instead of earphones like I would normally use I like to use headphones so that it really does block out all noises! I really hate flying! Another must is my sunglasses, like I mentioned in my last Summer Series post I like to buy a new pair when im in the airport or when I actually get on my holiday.
I like to carry a make-up bag with me in which I keep some hair bobbles, grips, a mirror, you know all the girly kinda things.
Books and magazines are a must! I have to have at least two books and as many magazines as I can fit into my bag once I get into the airport. I like to read what can I say!
A purse of course is a necessity to keep all the money in that I plan on spending in both the airport and once I get on holiday. I got this cute one in Camden Market at one of the little stalls, it was only something like 50p!
The last thing I like to throw into my bag is a hand held fan just as I tend to get hot a sweaty (mm nice) when I get on the plane and this usually cools me down.
Hope you have enjoyed reading what I like to take on the plane with me, let me know what you take with you!
Rosie Mason
11 years agoTotally agree with big headphones, Im so bad with my carry on, I try to pack my life in there with completely un-necessary things that I wont use, you look like you’ve got your carry on bag organised and realistic… unlike me haha! Rosie xx
Charlotte Samantha
11 years ago AUTHORI hate flying so much that I have got to have big head phones with me! hahah oh I have in the past but I just cant carry it round the airport so have learnt to take less!
Charlotte xx