Happy New Year you beautiful bunch. With every New Year comes new chapters, new goals and a reflection on what we had, missed and the opportunities we had the previous year. I’m all for setting goals, which lets be honest I do on the monthly. New year for me is a time to close the book and open up a new one, for the most of us I would have thought that would be the same. I am super excited to be given the chance to start building on my career starting a new job this next week and focusing on whats good for me. I don’t want to call these my resolutions because, honestly, there are things that I just want to adopt into my life rather than just be able to tick off next year and set new ones in their place.
Health & Beauty
The most important part of 2017 for me is going to be looking after myself, both mentally and physically. I have found that I seem to worry too much about what others think and have ended up living my life on others views, I realise now that this isn’t living my life. To help me get my mind set back where it needs to be I have taken up journaling. One of my favourite things to do it write so being able to write down exactly what it is I am feeling in one of my many beautiful notebooks seems far too real. Like why didn’t I start this ages ago! If you are interested in finding out exactly how I will be journaling and if you want to follow me journey let me know and I may do a little series on it.
Beauty wise I want to use up what I have, as many of you will probably know I am saving up for a house over the next year and a half so their will be next to no splurging on myself. I have so many products that I keep for special occasions but rather than keeping them until they go out of date I want to be using them. Not something that I would normally hope for but this time I want empties!
It wouldn’t be a true New Year without at least one eating/exercise habit, so my aim is to eat clean. Of course there are going to be times when I have to indulge on a pizza or eat way too much chocolate but for the most part I want to be eating super clean. Whilst adding a little more exercise into my life, even if that’s just an extra couple of walks out with the dog each week. That little bit is definitely better than sitting on the sofa that I would have done. Oh and drinking plenty of water is definitely key. Lets see if we can at least drink 1l of water per day because at the moment I drink probably no more than a glass of water per day.
Blog / Social Media
I’m not going to be putting numbered goals onto my blog and social media, if I do I put myself under so much pressure that I don’t do any of the actual blogging or social media because I am far too focused on the numbers. I’ll let you into a secret I hate numbers!! In every form. I want my blog to be hobby again, I don’t want it to feel like a chore. I’ll blog as and when I want and feel like it, I want no pressure at all.
My only other aspiration for this year is to talk to way more in the blogging community, there is nothing I love more than finding out about other bloggers. Rather than focusing on the numbers on social media, I am going to be focusing on engagement. I don’t want instagram just to be a place where I go and like loads of photos. I want to talk, chat and enjoy the amazing community that is blogging. I wanna be able to ask you where you got that beautiful jumper your wearing is from and for you to chat back with me!
Personal Life
A few to share with you from the more personal / life aspirations for the year. Probably not in too much detail as I don’t like to share too much on here. Myself and Alex are saving up for a house, I really want to be able to get enough saved up by the end of the year to be able to start looking for our dream house.
The other aspiration I have is to take way more photos!! I seem to say this every year, but the only memories you have later in life is the photos you take. Make sure you take lots and you’ll be sure to remember a lot more.
CharlotteSamantha, ox
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8 years agoThese are such great goals! I am also saving for a house, so hard! haha. All the best for 2017 lovely xxx
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORI know, its soso hard isnt it!! You to lovely ox
8 years agoThese are lovely goals for 2017! I love the taking photos one, i’m always taking photos and making sure i can look back on those memories in years to come! My advice for that is print photos off, its much better than scrolling through your phone x
Abi | abistreetx
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORThankyou lovely!! Yeah I know I should really be getting them printed off ox
8 years agoExcellent set of goals! Hope you have a wonderful 2017. x
Sara | http://www.saraspoke.com
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORthanks lovely ox
Soph Cullen
8 years agoLoved this, saving for a house is so bloody hard! Will be so worth it in the end though xo
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORI know I hope so!! Just using pinterest as a way to help me save!! So many beautiful houses ox
8 years agoThese are wonderful goals – I think it’s so important to take photos, I love looking back on my old ones when I’ve had a rough day. Good luck with all of them, and I hope you have a wonderful 2017!
– katrina || yourstrulykatrina.com
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORthankyou lovely!! Good luck for 2017!! ox
Katherine Tran
8 years agoI agree with the importance of taking more photos because that’ll be your memories to look back on later! Hope you find your dream home someday 🙂
8 years agoLovely post I couldn’t agree more taking pictures to capture every moment. Good luck with them 🙂
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORthankyou lovely!! ox
Jasmin N
8 years agoThese are some great goals! I hope you’ll achieve them & that 2017 will treat you well 🙂
♥ Jasmin N
Little Things With Jassy
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORThankyou lovely ox
8 years agoIt’s always important to look after yourself, physically and mentally. Always remember to do what makes you happy…..treat yourself, but remember to have a few savings too. Splitting them into different jars helps ;0)
Sarah x
Charlotte Samantha
8 years ago AUTHORThankyou lovely ox