Although 2017 hasn’t been the worst, it’s definitely one I’ll fully remember out of all 22 I’ve had so far. Although it has made some amazing memories, 2018 could not come quicker. I’m your typical Virgo, ready for a new start. Every year before the 31st December I have a good old clear out, remove the junk that is holding me back. A new year brings new hopes and dreams and this year I am more determined than ever. Bullshit, I here you shout. I don’t care. This is how I feel and I’m ready to share it all with you.
Let take a quick look back on 2017. A few of the good and bad memories that I’ve shared with loved ones.
– I started a new job, which was actually an apprenticeship in Business Administration. Its not something I have talked about much on CharlotteSamantha, I suppose I was a little worried about what people thought, being 22 and starting an apprenticeship. But to be totally honest, this has been one of the best things I have done. Not only do I love the job but the people I work with are an absolutely lovely bunch. AND this is saying a lot considering you literally get paid in cookies for an apprenticeship.
– Myself and Alex took a long ass road trip over to France. We camped for a week in the rain. Holidaying on a budget is hard. But we made the most of it and made some amazing memories. Even if I did stay awake one night because I thought I could hear gun shots when in fact there was a fire work display just down the road from the campsite. You can never be too cautious.
– We found our bloody house! As you may or may not have heard we have finally put our deposit down on our house and move i next year. Next year sounds like ages away when in fact we are talking days, and in just a couple of months you’ll be seeing lots of photos no doubt of out beautiful home. It felt like such a long time coming we finally did it. The mortgage has been accepted and we are so close.
– Ive had an amazing Christmas with all my family. Yeah we can wind each other up but at the end of the day, family is family. And I can’t thank my parents enough for another amazing Christmas.
Now for 2018, oh what a year you are going to be.
I just want to say firstly, I’ve made myself some personal goals for 2018 that I kinda just wanna keep private. So these ones are more blog related.
– Manage my time efficiently. I feel like the past year I have had high hopes for my blog. But poor time management and a shit load of procrastination has allowed me to lose heart in my little old blog. Rather than getting shitty on myself for what I haven’t done we are going to praise ourselves for all the shit we got done. You with me.
– Youtube. You heard me right. Your girl bought herself a new camera. I’m going to try my absolute hardest to stick by this, video some shit and get it up for you beauties. One of the main things I want to film is moving into my new house, it would be amazing to be able to look back on in a few years time. Show the kids you know.
– I hear consistency is key. Although I’m all about the quality of my work, which kinda shows why we are always so sparse around here, I hear a lot of people who love it when they know they are getting content. As do I, I like to sit down at my computer and know what I’m getting when. Im not saying this is coming first but by the end of 2018, your girls going to be killing it.
Im ready to smash 2018, and I already have a little reminder set in my phone for June to look back at these goals and see which ones we can tick off. I may even let you know which of my personal goals I have managed to achieve.
CharlotteSamantha OX
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