If you read last weeks post you’ll know that I have started Slimming World, where I am now going in for my third weigh in tomorrow!! How scary. Last week you will be thrilled to know I lost another 3lbs last week which means that in two weeks I have lost half a lbs under half a stone. WOOOO! So it works for sure. I said last week that this week I would go through the rules of Slimming World and the reasons why I am loving it so far. Just a little F.Y.I I go to the classes once a week rather than doing it online.
The Rules:
The first thing I love about Slimming World is that this is put to you as a life style not a diet, yes I know you are dieting, but when you get to know the plan you learn how you can still have the treats whilst also losing/maintaining your weight. Obviously this means you’re not going to eat out every single day and lose everything you want to but it does mean that everyday you can have a little treat. For me this helps me keep on track, if I’m told I can’t have something then I want it all the more. Seriously, tell me I can’t have chocolate I will break all the arms to get to it, but if I’m told you can still eat chocolate well I don’t really want it all that much.
How It Works:
Everyday you are allowed 5-15 syns. These are things that are in your naughty food, carb heavy food etc. When you join Slimming World you are given a book which holds a hell of a lot of syns in the back, this means you can keep track of the things you are eating and how many syns are in the etc. Slimming World have also brought out an app which allows you to search for foods, this makes being out and about so much easier and even allows you to search for certain take-out/restaurant meals with it. It really is that flexible.
Along with your syns you have free foods, these tend to be the likes of fruit and vegetables, again these are listed in the book you get when joining. You are than allowed one Healthy Extra A and one Healthy Extra B per day.
Your A: these are dairy products, I always use 350ml of skimmed milk per day rather than cheese etc, as I know I will have at least two cups of tea per day.
Your B: these are high in fibre products, including cereal, bread, nuts and seeds etc.
And that’s it! It probably sounds complicated the way I have explained it but if you pop onto the Slimming World website it explains it in a lot more detail. Honestly once you are fully explained the plan by your coach it is super simple to follow.
My Experience:
Three weeks in and I am loving this plan. It allows you the freedom to have treats and not feel guilty about them as you use them within in your syn allowance. As some of you may know it was Alexs graduation two weeks ago, I had a full day off plan and still had a loss last week. I know that’s not exactly what you should be doing but it just shows that when these kind of events come up you can still go off for a day and be back on the next. I have found the amount of different foods you can eat makes it a lot easier, I’m not yet bored of eating anything because I am mixing it up and making sure that I’m not just eating the same thing again and again.
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