Although Im sure there are some super important news updates you could be reading, I thought it would be nice to round up my week on here. Not only does this give me a little bit of time to reflect on some of the more positive aspects of my week but also gives you a little minute to remove yourself from the ugliness of the world.
My second week of WFH and its been a pretty slow one, to say the least. But one thing I am super grateful for this week is a little what’s app group im part of for lots of other girls who like me are WFH and need a little uplift everyone and then. We have been giving each other tips and tricks on how to get through the hardest days and when some of us are feeling down there are always a fair few of us who can pick the others up. If your not in a girl gang then this type of group is much needed and has definitely helped me get through this week. We have even got down to talking about our favourite childhood programs. Which brings me onto my next part of this week which is Disney +. What an amazing time to bring out this platform. From the oldest movies to the newer movies that im yet to see. Its bringing back all of the memories and making me feel pretty nostalgic.
Wedding Lows
Ive had some pretty low points this week what with a wedding looming upon us but we’ve always got to see the positive in what we can. And for us its that we are both healthy and whether we get married this year or not we will get married and celebrate at some point. Whilst I’m on that note we are obviously still in full plan mode and this week made the decision to send out digital invites on the off chance that the wedding doesn’t go ahead this year we haven’t wasted the money on physical invites. Although I would have loved to have sent these out, we sometimes have to compromise and this is one thing we are compromising on.
House Project
In the house we gave ourselves a little project. With the gym being put on hold, we knew we needed somewhere that we could still work out, we find exercise amazing for our mood and our general motivation. We had always said that we would transform the garage from what was a dumping ground, and by that I literally mean a dumping ground into a place we could go and actually enjoy the space. We knew we wouldn’t be going anyway over the next few months and therefore wouldn’t be spending anything and made the decision to get cracking with the garage. Once we had swept the spiders and dirt away, added a little paint we are pretty happy with the space and are feeling super excited and motivated to get our workouts planned next week.
Ive followed Beths Book Club for the past couple of months and have very nearly finished the beginning of March book, The Flatshare, although I am pretty sure by the time you’re reading this I’ll be finished and onto the next book. Im really enjoying reading as a way to take my mind off things, and if you’ve been keeping up with my instagram you’ll know Im loving the 4pm coffee, biscuit and reading. We have started to watch the new marvel series on Disney + and so far, we are really enjoying it. Honestly, this week I think I’ve eaten everything in site, sweet that is. Although Im going to blame the hormones on that one and Im hoping that next week will be a little healthier. We can only hope.
Lets set three goals for next week, the one thing Ive really found helpful this week is keeping a to do list each day. Im totally realistic with my to do list and put everything down that I’d like to achieve even down to the number of chapters I’d like to read. There is just something super satisfying about ticking off each item.
Number one: Drink a minimum of 3L of water everyday
Number two: Organise cupboard under the stairs (ive been putting this off for weeks)
Number three: Follow workout plan (must set this first)
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