Sunday is one of my favourite days of the week. Bar Monday.
I know call me crazy. The inner virgo loves a fresh start.
That means Sunday is a great day to plan for the new week ahead. I know far too many people who work in your traditional Monday-Friday job who dread a Sunday night. Whilst I’m sat over here waiting on a Sunday night.
I have to admit, Ive not always loved a Sunday but over the past few months when I have felt the Sunday blues coming I have found a few ways to remove that feeling of dread. Plan for the week ahead. For me if the week ahead isn’t planned out I feel a sudden feeling of dread as to what is to come. This helps me to feel organised and ready to smash the week out. It almost makes me feel excited for the week, I like to add something that I am looking forward to. That might be meeting a friend for dinner, or arranging a date night or having a night in to yourself. For me I like to write this out in my diary but this could be easily added to an online calendar or a calendar on your phone. I like to plan my week out with my morning coffee, I am an early bird even on a weekend so this really works for me.

Plan for the week ahead. For me if the week ahead isn’t planned out I feel a sudden feeling of dread as to what is to come. This helps me to feel organised and ready to smash the week out. It almost makes me feel excited for the week, I like to add something that I am looking forward to. That might be meeting a friend for dinner, or arranging a date night or having a night in to yourself. For me I like to write this out in my diary but this could be easily added to an online calendar or a calendar on your phone. I like to plan my week out with my morning coffee, I am an early bird even on a weekend so this really works for me.
Take an hour out of your Sunday for you. This is wide open for whatever you want it to be and this can change week from week. Ill often spend an hour reading, spending a full hour in the bath or something that I really enjoy like planning my outfits for the next weekend. Again this just gives you time to chill, forget about Monday and think about the moment you’re in. No stress, because this is for you.
Tidy house, tidy mind. This is crucial for me. If the house is a mess I am bound to have a crappy week. For some reason if the house is a mess my mind is a total mess, I can’t relax on an evening and Im not a nice person to be around. This doesn’t mean that the house is immaculate at all times but I like to try and keep it as tidy as possible to start the week. This helps to make you feel like you’ve got your shit together and don’t you know that’s how you want to start your Monday.
And that a wrap, three simple steps to make those Sunday blues disappear. Do you do anything on a Sunday to help remove those Sunday blues or help you be prepared for the week ahead?
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