Whilst sat with a gin and ginger ale in hand (don’t mock it until you’ve tried it) I decide that it was about time that I got back to CharlotteSamantha, and the one thing that allowed me to relax back in 2016.
And with that lets take a look back at 2019…
To be pretty honest the first six months seem to be a little bit of a blur to me. There where a few stand out moments for me that Ill never forget. The biggest being that we finally sent out our Wedding Save the Dates, I know and honestly I couldn’t be happier with the design of them. The next we hit March and I bought my little mini, this was a huge achievement for me. When I first started working at my current job I was an apprentice which meant I was on a very small wage, I worked my butt off and finally landed the job I really wanted which gave me a huge pay rise. Which meant the car I had wanted from being super young I could finally get and in came Millie. The next few months where a little bit of a blur to be totally honest, it was a mix of Alex starting a new job and decorating the house. August finally came and we took a trip to Norfolk for a week with my parents and the dog, this was such a lovely week filled with walks and totally relaxing. In August I turned 24 and it was a pretty great day to be totally honest. October I pushed myself further than I think I probably ever have and went on a work trip to Poland. If anyone reading this knows me, will know that me and doing things solo do not mix, so this was huge for me and something that Im pretty bloody proud of to be totally honest. November saw a trip to the Lakes with some friends and we honestly had the best weekend full of laughs and fun memories. December went with a blink – Christmas always seems to go super fast for me. I took a weekend trip to Edinburgh with my mam – fun memory we stood the whole way from Durham to Edinburgh on the train which was just bloody great. We did lots of baking and spent the whole Christmas break with family and friends. And welcomed the new year in by celebrating the fact we get married this year!
2019 was a pretty good year, Ive got some amazing memories but honestly I feel like ive been waiting for 2020 for what seems like forever.
Lets get started on the goals for 2020.
This is the word for my 2020. Everything I do will be about balance. This literally is in every sense of the imagination, I work hard I relax hard. I eat a pizza but thats ok because Ive ate well all week, no gym today but ill work even harder tomorrow. Its all about balance this year.
Diet and Fitness
As I have already mentioned about 1287 times in this post but 2020 is the year I become a mrs. Which obviously means we have some serious diet and fitness to be done. For me I want to look back at this year and know that I felt and looked my best. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate the way I look now but I know I can look a little more toned and I know I can eat a little better. As Ive said in my first goal balance is the key to my 2020 and this is defiantly going to be shown through this goal. I don’t have a particular number in mind but I would like to feel my best.
Read More
Reading is something that I absolutely love, its the one thing that I can totally zone out and feel lets say zen. I can switch off from the world and be in my own little space. My goal for this year is to read one book a month which is only 12 in total. If I don’t smash this Ill be gutted, especially considering Ive got a two week honeymoon!
Take more time out for myself
I feel like I possibly add this to my goals every year but honestly I need to do this more this year. Although I do take some time out for myself, I was talking to Alex about taking time out for myself and really thought about. If I am totally truthful If he is home I will sit on the sofa not really doing anything just to be in the same room as him. I really don’t need to do that. If I want to go paint my nails, bitch do it!
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