Disclaimer. If you hate the word shit, I suggest you don’t read this. No harm was meant by this post, no offence to the shit. But we got to get that shit together.
Ive always been your stereotypical Virgo.
Analytical, hardworking, organised, cleanliness is everything.
Its quite embarrassing to say if you asked certain members of my family what one of my biggest traits are they would say organisation. My brother actually once asked me to organise his T-Shirt draw. We will get onto that one another day.
So when Alex bought me the Get Your Sh*t Together book by Sarah Knight for Christmas. My first thought was, why have I never read this already and secondly, this is bloody brilliant. To sum up my thoughts on the book I thought I’d write how I’m getting my shit together for 2018. How I’m planning on doing and why. I suppose this is going to be my first ranty post for 2018. You know I am the queen of getting carried away with my thoughts and feelings.
The first thing I got from the book is that at some point in our life we are going to need to get our shit together. If your thinking, you are wrong Charlotte. You’ve never read this book and you currently need your shit together. Get your ass to Amazon and buy this goddam book!
The first chapter talks about strategy, focus and commit. Get these three things sorted and your nearly there. Congratulations, you’ve nearly got your shit together.
Strategy is planning the goal you have in mind.
Focus is breaking this down into small goals which are more achievable.
Commit is doing those small goals, ticking them off your list and before you know it your bloody well there.
This was so helpful for me. When I sit down to write down my to-do list I always over estimate on what Im going to achieve. For example Ill write complete Unit 5 of work. Gal, thats not going to happen in one day. I mean if its due in tomorrow by all means get that top of your to do list. But give yourself some more time next time, get your shit together! Instead I would now right, complete section 1 of Unit 5. This means I am only telling myself I have to do one section of the huge unit that is pushing down on my shoulders. You’ll find you actually get that small goal done, and the huge thing that is standing in front of you is much easier to chop down and push behind you.
This kinda links on to the to do lists. Anyone else sometimes feel totally bogged down by there to do lists. I can certainly put my hand up for this one and admit, the to do list of the to do list can get a little much for me at times. And those few things on my to do list from last Tuesday which are still not ticked are sat at the back of my mind. So much so that every time I climb into bed the first thing my brain see is that one thing that isn’t ticked off. You get me?
This book teaches you to make a must do list of the to do list you just made. Look at everything on that can you change them into smaller goals for the whole week which will much more achievable. Pop the one that really has to be done today at the top and so on. Dont clutter it up too much. Once you’ve ticked off the first thing well done, you are one step closer to having you shit together. Having a smaller must do list for the day is going to make it seem much more manageable, and A* your going to feel like you’ve got your shit together for the very first time.
The last thing I took from the book is the power of negative thinking. We put so much pressure on ourselves to look a certain way, wear certain clothes and be interested in certain things. When we should really look at the things we don’t like or the things that annoy us. They are the things we need to change.
Sarah Knight said we should be “putting an end to what you don’t want to be”.
If that thing that is killing you is that you want to look a certain way or be a certain size, cut out the things that are stopping you from getting there. This will then allow you to achieve those things you so want.
I can honestly say this book is one of the best books I have read in a while that has made me think right, thats that. Im going to get my shit together. And if you have read this book and didn’t feel that way maybe you’ve a) already got your shit together or b) you are so far away from getting your shit together you need to get your fu@!ing shit together. Either way this book is for you.
I’ve already decided that I want to read Sarah Knights other books by the end of the year which are The Life Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F**K and You Do You.
Have you read any of Sarah Knight’s books? What did you think?
Lisa Santos
7 years agoI’ve heard a lot about that book. The one I want to read is “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck” by Marc Manson – a youtuber recommended it and i have it on my amazon basket but haven’t bought it yet.
The Lisa’s World
charlotte samantha
7 years agoOhh Ill have to have a look into that one, thank you! ox
Kelsey Kennedy
7 years agoI love the idea of doing a little bit of your goal at a time so you don’t have too much on your plate. That is definitely something I need to work on.
charlotte samantha
7 years agoHonestly, you’ll feel so much less stress ox