Its been way too long since we discussed wedding on here.
I almost feel like I’ve been keeping it a secret from you but oh no. Im here with all the wedding goss a girl could give. From the stress, to the tears, to the happy faces.
We are a full 8 months to the date away, so what better day to update you all.
The dress. Its been picked, paid and ordered. The part I was most excited and scared about all at once. And to be totally honest with you all I am still scared. What if when I try it on again I change my mind. Don’t get me wrong I am totally, totally in love with the dress. But do you ever just get that fear.
Next step for me is to look at the accessories to go with the dress. This is super exciting for me, I love shoes and I love jewellery, shopping for these is almost going to be a little more exciting than the dress as the nerves tipped me over the edge when it came to the dress. But I took my girls along with me and they all agreed with the dress so really I think we are all good and I just need to knock those nerves on the head.

The decorations are slowly being bought and my Etsy list is the longest ive ever seen. To keep us a little sane we are ordering a few bits every week. It would break my heart to see all the money go at once, even though I know its going to get spent anyway theres just something a little crazy about the thought of spending it all at once.
The menu is set after a spot of tasting, which honestly just got me so excited for the food. We went to a tasting evening expecting to have a little bit of the stuff we had picked but no, they brought us a full plate of everything and honestly after Ive never felt so full. We had a good laugh as whilst driving up the venue Alex had said to me, we can stop off at that McDonalds on the way home for tea. There was no way we could eat anything else. It was so handy being able to taste the food as we changed our mind on a couple of dishes, we even got to try the wine that went alongside each dish. Alex was designated driver for the evening obviously!
Since then we have been busy pinning away and sending my brother all the inspo for our wedding invites. Theres something really special about having a loved one working on part of your big day. Something that we are really lucky to have. Not only that but ive heard speeches are beginning to be prepared which is just too much for me to handle. And of course Im watching all the wedding videos on YouTube, crying my eyes out because one day next years thats going to be me!
One last note, on more of a personal one. My weight loss journey is on its own littler journey. Ive tried my hardest to lose weight on my own since June but nothing would come off, or it came off one week and went back on the next week. I finally joined Slimming World 5 weeks ago and so far im 8.5lbs down and if im totally honest with you I feel amazing. The best ive ever felt in myself and Im so happy that ive come this far in such a small space of time.
See you next month for the 7 month count down, next month we are going to talk about how Im staying organised and how our budget is going so far.
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