Invest in your hair, it is the crown you never take off.
Speaking from experience here. If you want nice hair you gotta look after it. if you’ve got nice hair and you don’t look after it your not welcome here. But seriously, share your secrets. I hate my hair. As much as I’m sure we all do. You’ve got straight hair you want curly, you’ve got curly you want straight. Dark brown you want blonde, blonde you want dark brown. I feel like we are never happy. But lets embrace what we have and learn to love it because thats what you were given. Get your sass pants out and own that shit.
I recently took my sorry ass to the hair dressers after months of neglect and asked for some blonde highlights and even asked for 3 inches off my hair. Im constantly fighting with myself to whether I want long locks or a short ass bad gal bob. Trouble is you get it cut into that bad ass bob and it takes a good while to grow it out. I’m desperate for cool icy blonde hair, but not wanting to add the bleach straight up Im getting to that point slowly.

One thing I have been using to look after my hair since I had the highlights popped in is a purple toning shampoo and conditioner. In an attempt to get that cool icy tone to show up somehow. One day I will go and be like f*ck it, just do what the hell you want. The toning shampoo and conditioner Ive been using is the Colour:Vibe Purple Toning Shampoo and Conditioner. I bloody love this. Not only does it smell amazing, works a treat to keep the icy tones running through my hair but also makes for a super fun shower when you realise that these are bright purple. Not sure Alex would agree, I get more complaint about the tiles ‘turning purple’ than I care to hear. A quick wipe with a cloth and magic, the tiles are back to being the creamy horrid colour they are. I use these once to twice a week depending on how much Ive decided to wash my hair that week and they definitely help to keep the icy tones running through my locks.

Now I know its not amazing to keep dying your hair but we are in 2018 and Im no longer listening to my mam. sorry mam. If I want to dye my hair Im going to do it. Its not the end of the world and if it helps me embrace me then Im all for it. But I also think its important to use some products that are going to help keep your hair looking lushes and soft. I like to use a mask once a week to help keep it looking a little more like rapunzels. How does she have hair like that? A girl can only dream. Ive been using the Philip Kingsley Pomegrante & Cassis Elasticizer which gives your hair that bounce and shine. And those are two things I want my hair to look like.
I then continue my old boring routine of drying off my hair a little because your gals not got all the time in the world to be drying all my hair nor do I have the patience. Throw it up in a messy bun, straighten it out roughly and chuck in a bobble and out the door you go. Id love to say I was curling and adding the most beautiful clips but nope. We haven’t got to that stage yet, give me a shout if you are and maybe just maybe I can grab a little inspo from you.
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