Step up & glow.

Theres no surprise your gal wants to be glowy AF. And with this heat wave that seems to have taken over the UK I am defiantly glowing, maybe not in the way we all want to be. But I am going to get real with you now. With sweat. I said it, you’ve been thinking it.
Instead of talking you the way through getting the sweaty, sunkissed glow I thought I would tell you how I give myself that sunkissed glow minus the sweat. But if your here for the sweat induced glow stick around, Ill humour with that routine after the real shiz.
Or maybe that sweaty glow is the real shit.
So you wake up on your first alarm, the sun is shining through you overly expensive shutters, the birds are chirping and you think this is the life.
Once you’ve jumped out of your bed that is now made, you wrap your floral satin robe around your skinny waist and saunter through to your ensuite. You splash your face with some mountain water because who does tap water anyway. You dont need to wash your face cause you slept in a mask that covers you face to make sure no bacteria got near you. But what you do grab is your moisturising mask because you’ve got all the time before you’ve got to head out the door.
If I was living in this world I would be slathering my Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask on my oh so beautiful face because this adds all the hydration your skin needs.

(back to the world we all imagine we live in) With your hydrating mask on you sit on your balcony with a french press coffee and meditate and maybe you even have time for a spot of yoga. You’ve just realise you’ve had your face mask on for the correct amount of time and need to wash it off. Once this is off you pop on your hella expensive moisturiser.
But in reality Im popping on my Pixi Glow Booster ( which I can’t recommend enough) This gives you that shine you just don’t have naturally, if your feeling a little extra you might even mix this with the Botanic All Bright Day Cream. Because your dull ass face needs all the brightening.
Close your eyes again we are dreaming. You then walk through to your huge beauty room because there were too many rooms in your house not to have a beauty room. Sit down at your gorgeous dressing table and pick out the makeup that is gunna give you a hella glow. The Becca Aqua Luminous foundation is the first thing you pat onto your already glowing skin, this add a little coverage to your face and just makes you look like you are generally flawless. ( If this was me I would then be covering my face in concealer and powder because your gals got all the pimples and all the oil one could wish for).
Because your tan has started to fade from your 5th holiday this year you add a little of Benefits Hoola bronzer, this gives that sunkissed look you swore you had yesterday. Or in my case your adding that bronze look you’ve been longing for. To add a little colour to your cheeks because you dont want to look too flat you add a little of Nars Orgasm. Not only does this add the gorgeous pinky shade but its got that little hint of glitter thats going to add to your glowing skin.
To really make you pop you add your highlighter. And not just one but too cause your extra. you first start with your Glossier Haloscope, this will be the base of your highlighter beam. You then add Mac Soft and Gentle over the top of the Haloscope because why the hell not. If we go back to me then I would be doing this to try and cover the rest of the mess that was my face.
You finish the rest of your morning routine and skip out the door feeling like you’ve got your shit together.
Lets take a step back and allow me to get a little real with you. You’ve just jumped out of bed after sleeping through your 5 alarms, because your basic and who can get up with one alarm? You think fuck. I don’t have time for this. But I gotta get my glow on. So you run around the house looking for the trousers you swore you saw yesterday and look for the top you put in the wash on Friday night when you thought you where getting your shit together for the next week. Its wet. So you go for the basic white tee, with the very obvious red wine stain down the front. but its ok cause you’ll add your scarf. Sorted. You start work at 8 and its already 7:45. No time for makeup but when you look in the mirror you’ve got yourself a glowing complexion. You bounce out the door feeling amazing because that glow girl. When you get to work you realise that the glow that was looking back at your was a combination of a dirty mirror that you swore everyday you would clean and the sweat that had combined from the night and the torturous morning. Now that shits real.

I totally get that this blog post is not serious so please dont take it serious. However, all products I have mentioned are actually hella good. And do give you that extreme glow!
Now go get that glow girl.
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